Shelem the Bear
The flattened, matted hair of long aged past cover his small body. He goes everywhere with me, a security item just like Lionas' blanket on Snoopy. Floppy and emaciated he leans over pathetically. Elongated legs, like the branches of a weeping willow, dangle from the circle of my arms. He is missing a smooth russet bow so some strings hang from his stuffing-less neck. Flattened, by night after night of being rolled over onto, he appears to almost be 2-D. Beady, dark eyes stare softly into the distance. No sneer visible, no rude remarks to comment, just a comforting embrace.
When a bad day rolls around, he always sits there on the bed, bent at an odd angle against the pillow ready for a cuddle or to sponge up salty tears. When a good day comes along, or just some good news, there he sits with his small furry ears ready to listen and hang onto every word that he is told.
Smelling of dryer sheets, he reminds me of lonely afternoons when he went through a much needed wash. Coconut Lime and Amber Romance linger faintly in his fur. On top of all of that, you can also smell a faint scent of White Ginger and Nectarine shampoo.
His stringy fur leaves marks on skin. Not smooth but not rough, he makes sleep possible. The stuffing has separated and become lumpy, making it an uneven pillow. Wet noodle like, he tends to flop around. Shelem has a milk chocolate fur that sparkles and shines, and makes him all the more special